Monday, 9 January 2012

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Prepare GMAT Online by Grockit

Hi there, if you want to prepare for MBA competitive exams online, yes online. Then, there is a great service for preparing competitive exams online like GMAT, SAT, IIM CAT etc. named it is a great learning system where you can prepare for verbal skills, quantitative skills etc. by the material and a learning structure provided by Grockit.

Grockit is like a social networking site, where you can interacts with other people and shares your views, suggestions, feelings etc., so in this platform you can learn from others and share your techniques for solving a problem with others and they are also help you. You can also join social groups on this website for learning.

I think, it is a great idea for learning online with friends all over the world, you can also test your skills and practice with various tests.

Is it free? No, this is not free. They will charge you around 30$ per month for GMAT. But you can try 3 day free trial by signing up on Grockit. They provide also videos for solving problems with an easy way. So, all over this is a new idea and very good service for students all over the world.
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