IDEA upgraded 2G GPRS Internet 1 GB Pack
Now, like other telecom companies idea also renew their existing GPRS 2G plans and introduced their 1 GB special pack to more higher price in 155 INR (Indian Rupees) which was earlier of Rs. 125 with the validity of 28 days.
Here is the List of the Plans with the Data usage and Price:
450 MB 99 Rs
625 MB 126 Rs
1 GB 155 Rs
Unlimited 2 GB 199 Rs
5 GB 305 Rs
Unlimited 3 GB 405 Rs
I wrote some data usage with the unlimited which means after the mentioned data usage, your max. Speed will become upto 40kbps. Recently BSNL also revised their 1 GB plan to 139 Rs, As per my knowledge Tata docomo has most affordable plans in Haryana. May be that is also for limited time, they will also surely increase. Now they are providing 4 GB for 149 Rs and 6 GB for 249 Rs with 2 months validity.
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- idea 1gb 2g
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